About Stocks
"Stocks" is the name of my brother’s eighth-grade friend group. That was the first year my brother, Devon, attended Harvey. Knowing two people in his grade already made this transition easier than expected. At Harvey, he made friends faster than ever before, and good ones too—the kind that would last the next seven years of his life and counting. When this friend group was formed, they created a group chat on Snapchat, which they named "Stocks." Over the years, this name became synonymous with their friendship. Although the members have changed over time, Stocks has remained a constant in my brother’s life, and by association, in mine.
Having an older sibling, or an older brother specifically, means you look up to them your whole life. In every aspect of life, you seek their advice and follow their taste. You steal their clothes, listen to their music when they drive you to school, and always answer “yes” when someone asks if you’re so-and-so’s younger sibling. An older sibling is a younger sibling’s idol.
My sophomore year, which was my brother’s senior year, was my first year at Harvey. It was also the first time I attended school with my brother—and the first time I was around his friends. My younger sibling dreams were coming true. Soon after the year began, I met Dom D’Onofrio, Kevon Patterson, Ryan Rodriguez, Jayden Kass, Armaan Bhaskar, and more. Not only did I meet them, but I also learned that no matter where they were in the world, they would look out for me and be there for me. Knowing this was the most magical thing, as it proved true time and time again. To this day, I keep in touch with almost all of them and ask for their advice when I need it.
Now, they are sophomores in college, and I am a senior in high school. I am where they were when they first met me. I have the opportunity to be what they were for me, for somebody else. That’s where ‘Stocks’ comes in. ‘Stocks’ is the older sibling. It’s the clothes you wish you had that your sibling won’t let you borrow. It’s the songs you write down in secret to listen to later when you’re not in the car with them. It’s the independence you wish you had. Wearing ‘Stocks’ is like walking in your sibling’s shoes. When you put on a Stocks t-shirt or long sleeve, imagine that you are gaining the confidence, composure, and freedom you’ve always wanted. In ‘Stocks,’ you are your idol. In ‘Stocks,’ you become somebody else’s idol.
So, when you wear my brand, please remember to always, always, be who you would want in your life for somebody else. Give back. Return the energy. Invest in the cycle of Stocks."
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